Your followers on social media are the real potential you've earned with your work on internet. Many times you start losing them and consequence of which are never favorable. Perfect interaction is the inevitability indeed that can never be neglected. Trends and preferences also matters a lot towards your success in gaining followers and maintaining them well. Keeping your followers in contact is the blood for the body of your social media network.
Discussing why you fail keeping your followers in touch
There are many reason responsible behind you losing followers and can be emphasized as follows:
Maybe You are careless about them
Your followers also need some care to be taken towards them. You can take care of them too just by delivering feeds and tweets they love to re-tweet. otherwise you're useless to them. The have a big Unfollow button to hit and set themselves free from you.You're changing the topic very often
Your followers are connected and followed you just because you are someone who has identical objectives like them. When you start changing them and make yourself versatile, you lose their trust and they bounce over.Hey man! You are overusing Hashtags
You probably now the importance of hashtags. Hashtags however are very beneficial to find some audience interested in your topic but over use of hashtags is very illusory. You should expand information before them not your tagging skills. Just post one or two hashtags in each post or tweet.You're not updated regularly
You always dominate your followers by reaching every feed first and visualizing it before them. You sometime are not updated with the world and hence the crowd leave your behind.Followers are no more interested
Social media is not all about you. Your followers are interested in your interests and tastes not in you. So, better to be around the topic and entertain your followers with everything happening in the interest world.