Wednesday, 15 April 2015

SEO meta tags - How to put it effectively that works


SEO meta tags
Usually a HTML document consists the content like Title and Body of the document and to define other additional information meta tags are used. SEO meta tags are nothing but the extension of information to be given to search engine crawlers and spiders where title body and footer tags are not able to elaborate more about the focused keyword in that article and a tiny explanation thereof. The name of the author can be printed on the HTML document but for the purpose of SE crawlers, its not enough.

Search Engine Optimization relies to many extents upon meta tags. Webmasters need not to worry for that because this is really easy to understand not hard to execute and use on own websites.

How to Use SEO meta tags?

seo meta tags are always used like HTML tags and in between head tags. the example of seo meta tags is as below.

<meta name='keyword' content='My keywords' />
In the above meta tag meta is the content container tag and the name defines the nature of that extra information which is to be delivered to the SE crawlers. in the same way, content property has the explanation of the value that is being defined by those meta tags.

There are so many kinds of meta tags which are to be understood in the perfect way for better seo of your blog. Some of the very important meta tags are as below.

Different SEO meta Tags

Name PropertyContent Property
KeywordsKeywords of the document on which the whole content of the page is centralised.
DescriptionA little explanation of the overall content on the document to be shown as the snippet in SERPs.
HTTP-equivThis property is used to specify the conical page and sometimes it is used to set cookies

Adding Keywords to a Web page with meta tags

Telling the crawlers, "Hey, listen! My page is to be shown when a use search this query" is actually possible with the keyword meta tag that specifies the set of keywords the whole page's content is focused on. Using keyword meta tag is easy.

<meta name='keywords' content='keyword1, keyword2' />
In the above snippet, you can add your keywords instead of keyword1 and keyword2 and set it as the keywords of your HTMl pages. Above code does not explain that you are prohibited to use the extent of two keywords for a page. You have the full freedom to set as many keywords as you want. Make sure to use them in such a manner that looks natural to the SE crawlers.

Adding Description to HTML pages with meta tags 

Description meta tag is the short explanation of the text printed on a web page and means a lot for any webmaster because this is the part which is shown on the SERPs and keyword focused descriptions are better for rankings which is proven by best practices in SEO. A perfect example of the using description in meta tag is as follows.

<meta name='description' content='this page is about keyword1 and you can learn about keyword2 here' />

Declaring the name of the author/writer in meta tags 

In old SEO meta tags author meta tag had key importance because the profile picture of the author was shown with the Snippet in SERPs then but now this feature is discontinued from SE algorithms. Though there is not much importance of this tag, its very helpful. Whenever the URL of your webpage is posted as a link on social media, they automatically trace the name of the author and show it below the link visualization if the author name had been given in below way.

<meta name='author' content='Vashishtha Kapoor' />

This tag is helpful where the name of the author differs with HTML pages eg. Multiauthor blogs.

Refreshing the page after 5 second with meta tag

You can set your web page in a manner where it is subjected to be refreshed after a specific interval. The page is reloaded and the user can see latest feed on the live blog as well.
This way is used to increase the pageviews per user as well and is successful to many extents as well.

<meta name='http-equiv' content='5' />

In the above snippet, i have set the refresh time as five seconds that means, the page will reload every 5 seconds. you can change this with your desired time interval.

Final Words

All i had to deliver with above words was that - "Be careful with your meta tags.With out meta tags Search Engines are confused about the additional information in connection with the document and your pages are ranked less than their content actually deserves."

Hi There, I’m Vashishtha! Just another tech-savvy blogger on the plannet with a super power of troubleshooting.
