Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Best Blogger Templates for Fashion, Tech or Author Blog | ThemeXpose

best blogger templates for fashion and tech blogs

A Blogger template has the same importance for a blogger as bones structure is important in a Human Body. A template can make your blog look professional and can turn the tables for your blogging career as well. Best blogger templates are perfect fir for a Techy Geek's blog, Fashion lover or a Story writer's blog.

How to Chose One of the Best Blogging Template?

There exist a permanent problem with newcomers to blogging that they feel all the styles of their blog unsatisfactory and tend to change them again and again at random intervals. So picking one is really hard for them. Now, you should pick on template and start weaving your blog on it. Don't think of the appearance until you've hundred of posts and tens of static pages in it. Make sure to have at least one image in every post so that any template should look quiet nice for your blog. 

Best Blogging Templates for Blogger

The collection below is taken from themexpose which has a big list of sylish, beautiful and elegant blogger templates. Each of them is perfect of its kind and best from the identical.

1. MiniMag (Hueman Copy)

minimag Hueman template for blogger

2. Feminist Clean & Responsive Template

feminist template

3. Viewer Responsive 

viewer minimal magazine template

4. Outfit for Fashion Blog

outfit template for fashion bloggers

5. Fabulous for Gaming or Tech Blog

fabulous template for games blog

6. YourMag Tech Magazine Blogger template

yourmag tech magazine

7. PowerGame Gaming Template for GameLovers

powergame magazine

8. Peronalist Author Blogger template

personalist gridded template

9. Gaps Magazine Style Responsive Blogger Template

Gaps template green blog

10. LineZap Responsive Magazine Tech Blog

Linezap Responsive Magazine Theme for Blogger

Hi There, I’m Vashishtha! Just another tech-savvy blogger on the plannet with a super power of troubleshooting.


Yeah. Those are awesome magazine style blogger templates. I think these are the best mag themes we can use on our blog. Minimag is what i like the most. because it is adapted from WORDPRESS and identical to HUEMAN.
